Power of Attorney

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Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that gives authority to someone to make decisions on your behalf or act on your behalf.

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) gives authority to someone to make decisions on your behalf if in the future you lose mental capacity so that you are not able to make decisions or communicate those decisions yourself. The LPA, therefore, allows the person you have trusted to be your Attorney to make those important decisions.

There are 2 types of LPA’s which cover the following areas:-

Health and Welfare LPA–

This will give the Attorney power to make decisions such as

Property and Finance LPA

This will give power to your Attorney to make decisions relating to money and property such as-

The type of decisions you give your Attorney power for can be restricted or you can let them make all decisions on your behalf.

Applying For Lpa

Both LPA’s can be applied for at the same time and generally, that is what is recommended. Most people will consider doing this when they are making or amending their Will so the same solicitor can deal with both.

Cancelling Power Of Attorney

A Power of Attorney can be cancelled at any time even if it has been registered.

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