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Understanding Deputyships: What You Need to Know

When an individual lacks the mental capacity to comprehend and or deal with their own matters or is unable to give instructions to create a Lasting Power of Attorney because of lack of capacity or has not previously signed any Power of Attorney, or if their existing Power of Attorney is no longer valid, then an appointment of a Deputy may be necessary.

Why Engage a Solicitor for Deputyship Appointment?

The process of applying to become a Deputy can be time-consuming, costly, and intricate. Seeking legal advice and guidance from professionals is a sensible choice.
At Mikhael Law we can offer advice and assistance throughout the application process and help you assume the role of the Deputy. We ensure you are well-informed and supported every step of the way.
Mikhael Law Solicitors can also advice Deputies on fulfilling their associated duties and assisting them in completing their annual accounts.

Secure the Future with a Deputyship Application

The consequences of not appointing a Deputy means that there will be no designated person to handle the property, financial matters, including the house, bank accounts, bills, and the wellbeing of someone who needs the care and support and is already in a vulnerable position.

Disputing a Deputyship

As part of the application process for Deputyship, you have to inform close family/friends. If they do not agree or wish someone else to be appointed then they are given the opportunity during the process to give their reasons and lodge their objections.
If you do not agree with the application for Deputyship or have concerns about the Deputy who has been appointed and believe they are not acting in the best interest of the vulnerable person then you can challenge the application. In order to do this we recommend that you get legal advice and it can be complicated and expensive

Expertise and Support

We pride ourselves on our unwavering commitment to reducing the stress you face during what can be a difficult period.

Discover How Mikhael Law Can Assist You

To find out how our team can provide the assistance you need, please reach out to us today by calling 0161 2226092. Alternatively, you can complete our online enquiry form, and we will promptly get back to you.
As members of esteemed organizations such as Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE), and the Court of Protection Practitioners Association (COPPA), we ensure the highest standard of service.